
Monday, May 20, 2019

Full moon

This is some writing that I have been working on during silent writing time.

Chapter 1  One stormy night Dire was woken by a bang. He got his blue shoes on and his jacket on and his pants and his red headband he silently opened the window and slides down the pole Dire ran into the forest he saw a shadow creep to woods. Him he pulled his knife out but suddenly Dire got knockout he woke up with a bite on his neck his clothes were ripped he couldn't remember what happened he sampled home his mum was on the phone with the cope Drie said hi chapter 2 . Dire ran up the stairs and lied on his bed he change .  He got on the bus calamity his best friend calamity hay Drie she said have you heard about the werewolf in Dire mine he must of got bitten from a werewolf no he that aging earth to Dire calamity was saying chapter 3 . They were at school at the storm night academy the storm night

Academy Drie class was having a say at school for night (yes it is a long name but the people that name it is not creative) he was so excited it was like he could run up the wall 2 hour later Drie open his phone he look at the news the news said that a full moon and that werewolf are in there city Dire got scared like a bug that saw his friend get kill. chapter 4 his friend calamity “ hay” said calamity “are you scared about you turning into werewolf” calamity said in giggle voice “no way” said Dire in a serisy voice “I am not turning into a werewolf to night ” chapter 5 that night Dire was asleep until a Dire started turning into a werewolf everyone woke up the teachers call the police 2 hour later Dire was ok. Chapter 6 The end.

What do you think about my story?

If you could change the ending what would you write?

Friday, May 3, 2019

#5 4 3 2 1 ruuuuuuuun!!!

5 4 3 2 1 run!!!!!!! this was my face⊙_⊙ I ran like the flash  but someone yes someone stand on my foot (︶^︶) my heat was so painful ⊙﹏⊙ there was one kid be hind me -_-|| I fell like a boomerang cause we all when back to the same stop  to  l ran as fast as I can I fell so week after (ˇˍˇ)and happy └(^o^)┘ and it did not help that they made it early again (︶^︶) so all and all cross country  was ok that all I've got to say if you had to do a big run like cross country 

Tell me what  you would  do (^○^) ?